"It's an honor just to be nominated."
Such words have been uttered by many an award loser over the years.
But, in the case of LENNDEVOURS' nomination in the "Best Food Blog - Wine, Beer and Spirits" category in the 2004 Food Blog Awards , it's true. I'm honored and humbled (can you believe it?) that enough people enjoy my writing to get this lil ole blog on the balot. Thank you everyone.
So I ask you...my faithful readers...if you enjoy my writing and adventures in the wine world, head over to The Accidental Hedonist (the awards' creator) and vote for me! The ballot is in the right column. There are some great blogs listed in all the categories. If you haven't checked them out, you definitely should.
The competition is is stiff...but, again, it really is an honor just to be on the ballot.