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April 13, 2005


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Ugh, I so blew it... Can't believe I bought a white Sicilian... and it's all your fault, you know - because you issued that silly little "dare" about what other grapes people would pick.


Hahahaha...you aren't the first person to come CLOSE to the theme without actually following it...write it up anyway! What did you pick up?

Nice post, Lenn. I trust the tonsils are healed. Your notes are very similar to another Nero D'Avolo that I reviewed, a Gulfi. I have been participating in the WBW for a while, but finally got the blog up and running. -CD

omg! we had the same wine! my review, though, uh, is quite elementary :) - i liked it though.

omg! we had the same wine! my review, though, uh, is quite elementary :) - i liked it though.

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