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September 08, 2005


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Is the Waters Crest Cab Franc representative of good LI C.Franc? How, exactly, would one describe LI Cab Franc? It's not something I get to taste terribly often (living in a wine-lockdown state and all).


You mean you can't find any LI Cab Franc in Utah? I'm shocked to hear that.

Anyway...Long Island cab franc is all over the map. There isn't really a "typical" version. Some are light, easy-drinking wines that aren't really all that special (think low-end Chinon). On the other hand, there are some rich, complex and bold. Some even remind me of slightly less intense zin...

That being said...Jim's version is among my favorite locally. Wolffer Estate makes a good one ($40)...as do Raphael ($40ish), Pellegrini Vineyards ($18) and others. But, put them all on a table together, taste them blind, and I'm not sure you'd be able to tell that they are the same varietal. There is also SEVERE variation from year to year (as well as producer to producer).

It's funny that you bring this up...as I'm working on coordinating a Long Island CF tasting this fall. Working on venue and tasting team right now.

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