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February 27, 2006


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I was in the Tasting Room in Peconic on Saturday and got a little more information. Basically, it's owned by Broadfields. The new Broadfileds owners have decided that they are going to replant more of the vines then they had anticipated, meaning that they are 4-6 years away from new inventory. They were working closely with Comtesse Therese and Schneider to keep the co-op open, but licensing/permitting issues made that difficult without the Broadfields wines included.

Neither Therese nor Schneider is planning a tasting room in the immediate future, but they are working with the Broadfields folks to consider mutually agreeable options. Who knows what's next.


Thanks for the additional information. I have calls into Theresa (Comtesse Therese) and Bruce (Schneider) and I'm hoping to hear from them shortly.

I'll have to send an email to the Broadfields vineyard manager to ask about the re-planting...if he's allowed to talk (he's told me before that he can't yet!)

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