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May 30, 2006


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As the regions' newest winemaker, why didn't you include yourself in the survey?

There's a simple answer, Sean...this was a print piece and my guess is that my editor would have removed it :)

But, since you asked, here's what I've been drinking lately when not drinking wine:

- Beer from Southampton Publick House
- Brooklyn Brown Ale
- Sam Adams Summer Ale (love it on hot days like this past weekend)

And if we're talking liquor...I'm a gin man. Have been since college.

I have both Sam Adams and Blue Point summer ales in my fridge. I like them both, but in terms of a summer beer that goes well with the lawnmower, I'm starting to like the Blue Point a little better.
It's less malty and therefore a little more quaffable--to me anyway.

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