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October 30, 2006


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Sounds like a great book. I don the same thing - pick wines I want to serve and then arrange food around them. I sometimes like to serve wines with characteristics that are "opposite" in some way to the food. For example, a light and fruity cru beaujolais with a hearty steak, or a full bodied demi-sec Vouvray with a vinegary salad.

Sounds like a great book. I don the same thing - pick wines I want to serve and then arrange food around them. I sometimes like to serve wines with characteristics that are "opposite" in some way to the food. For example, a light and fruity cru beaujolais with a hearty steak, or a full bodied demi-sec Vouvray with a vinegary salad.

It's nic when you find a wine / food combination that isn't meant to work but does. I've had some fun with that recently.

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