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March 19, 2007


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Seems a few new wineries have popped up lately (Clovis Point, Medolla), but have you heard any updates about the established vineyards that are for sale (Borghese or Galluccio)? Also, have you heard anything more about the former Broadfields vineyards?

I heard that the former Broadfields (and Charles John) vineyard property where the vines were pulled will be leased to a pumpkin farmer this year.

Most of the original Gristina vineyard portion of Gallucio is now owned by the Peconic Land Trust and will be maintained by a local vineyard management company this year. Both parcels (Gristina and Gallucio's vineyards on Alvah's Lane, along with the winery) are still for sale with a combined price of $4.2 million.

I have no knowledge of Borghese other than it is still on the market.

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