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March 27, 2007


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Burgundy and Loire, for example, don't use that terminology. Can a Bourgogne and a 1er Cru from the same producer be entered? Different cuvees from the same Loire producer?

I would think the Burgundian example is more a case of Second Label, versus the same wines generally held longer in the barrel, i.e. reserve.

The name's the thing here. The wineries themselves have caused this confusion, becuase the naming is not always consistent from house to house. Sometimes a resrve at one house is a select at another. One being held in oak longer and given more time to age and mature (a traditional reserve), another being a selection of the best or select grapes for the same style wine, producing a different flavor (usually a select). But with so much confusion at the winery level, how's the public supposed to know when they're shopping, unless they've read up on the wine they're looking at?

This is a great topic. I have often found I prefer regular or house offerings over those of Reserve. Excellent idea. I'm defintely interested in this one.

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