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October 22, 2007


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"Apple wine will never exhibit the complexity of grape wine"

Oh, now your an expert after visiting when apple winery?

Perhaps you first need to try some Eric Bordelet cyder. (Even Parker has scored his apple wines 86-87 pts and pear wines as high as 90 - and these scores are pretty on the mark.)

And then hop on the plane to Barcelona and have their hard sidra when the season starts.

Also, and from limited amount of tasting, US cider is pretty awful compared to European cider. I tasted through the ones at our local producer about a year ago, A.C.E., and, well, there wasn't one I wanted to finish the half-glass of. Just arf!

Oh, now you're an expert on U.S. cider with just, as you say, a "limited amount of tasting"? The stuff I had was much better than the average fair and openly tried to emulate European styles and hardly was worth an "arf" or any other gagging noise.

I guess I'm just not as in tune with Parker as you are, although I imagine there are some great winemakers who have pushed various fruits to their fullest potential. Why not?

Until you send me a plane ticket for Barcelona, I'll just have to use my domestic experience to judget the potential of apples and their ability to make amazing wine. Forgive me, but it seems like 99.9% of the stores and distributors I encounter seem to be hedging their bets on grapes. I'll do my best to transcend such prejudices.

Hey Jason,

I just drove by Beak and Skiff this afternoon--should have checked your post beforehand to pick up a bottle of this to try. Are we ever going to meet?

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