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January 25, 2009


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This is very sad. I'm sorry to hear about Ben and hope for happier news for the LI wine community for the rest of the year. Thank you for keeping us informed, Lenn.

Farewell my friend. There was nobody better than you..

Never Alone
by Rodney Belcher

I feel you in the morning
When at first I awake
Your thought is with me
With each decision I make

Cause by what you bestowed
In our short time together
Will last in my heart
Forever and ever

Although you've left
And now walk above
I'm never alone
I'm wrapped in your love

Enjoy now your long waited reward
Feel peace that your love continues on
What was taught to me, will be taught to mine
Cause you live on in me even after you've gone

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fatal lightning of his terrible swift sword:
His Truth is marching on.

- Julia Ward Howe

I'm sorry for the loss that Ben's family and friends must be feeling. I knew a Ben Sisson about 30 years ago. We were freshmen together at Boston College in 1976. Is this by sad chance the same Ben?

Hello people want to express my satisfaction with this blog very creative and I really like the views of the focus very good indeed Thank you for the helpful information about In Memorium: Ben Sisson, Vineyard Manager McCall Vineyards . I hope you keep up the good work on making your blog a success!

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