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February 09, 2009


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Lenn, my friend, you are going to have a lot of fun tasting the 2007 reds. Just remember one thing: 2007 was better than 2005, and in fact it's unlikely we'll see as good a year for reds in our lifetimes. So you don't have to feel like you're going soft if you find yourself wanting to laud the '07 reds. We'll understand. ;)

If the 2005 and 2007 vintages display themselves the way that they seem to be here, I'm expecting more consistent good/great wines from 2007.

In 2005, I've had some great wines from Long Island, but also some major disappointments.

Of course, we had a monsoon hit during harvest season that is probably to blame for a lot of the variation. Most likely the result of harvesting decisions (before the rain, right after the rain or letting it all dry out and risk waiting TOO long).

Any 2007s you've had out of barrel that stand out as can't-miss wines?

I couldn't believe the length on Red Tierce. Had it two weekends ago. That's a wine with a lot of components, and it was kind of a mess for a while, I'm told. But it's taken a turn into becoming a much more cohesive, layered wine. That's exciting.

Red Newt's 2007's are certainly promising. The Cab Franc is devoid of green notes -- not a plus for me! -- but it comes off as a kind of chocolatey, ripe blackberry. Their Syrah is a new world, peppery, ripe and dark wine -- can't wait to try it in several months. Their viridescens is a little loud with oak at the moment, but certainly well made.

Anthony Road's higher alcohol Lemberger is one to watch, for sure.

Dr. Frank's Cab Franc was pretty tight when I tried it on New Year's Eve; no length, but could've still been young.

That's the report for now. It goes without saying, I hope, that an excellent weather year does not automatically portend the highest quality wines. There's bound to be plenty of plonk. But I am deeply enthused for the release of this vintage.

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