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March 19, 2009


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Congrats on pulling it together! I wish I could have made it. Sigh. Maybe next year...especially if it's in my neck of the woods!

Hey there, catavino thought of WineCamps, but Mr. smarty pants rather taste! :)

Good luck with the event and trust me we'd be there if we could! Full support from your Iberian friends!

Hey, wish I could make it!! :) jk! See you there! Thanks for pulling it all together! Tons of works--you rock!

Congrats on pulling this together. Appears to be the perfect event to get the word on LI Wines out to the rest the country.

There will be a lot interest on the tasting notes on Merliance three year vertical.

Sorry I will be in Europe that weekend.

Good Luck.

Nice write up bro, glad it's all coming together!! Can't wait!

This sounds awesome. I may have to start a blog of my own just so I can qualify to come next year!

Looking forward to it! Sounds like such a great line-up and a chance to meet with other wine bloggers!

This is going to be awesome! I've tasted LI wines at the Golden Wagon Film Festival Wine Tasting (on Fire Island) for a couple years and have been meaning to get out there. Thanks, Lenn.

I would love to do a TasteCamp North 2009 in Ontario.

TasteCamp sure sounds like a lot of fun, Lenn, and I'm sure you'll be successful. Perhaps next year I'll join you!

Thanks for NOT mentioning my participation.

Jerk.... ;-)

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