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April 09, 2009


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Lenn: I just bought some of this and was about to review it. I guess I'll do the Lemberger instead! Curses!


Interesting -- we opened a bottle of this yesterday, and there was nothing at all like chlorine. In fact, I thought it was a gorgeous representation of what FL Cab Franc should be: Medium-bodied, nice grip, dark fruit, with a supporting note of "good green." Dried herbs, etc.

Really? I didn't get what you're describing until day two (and even moreso on day 3) as I said above.

Context and environment can play a part here too. I tasted this blind along with a few Long Island cabernet francs from various vintages.

I like, and subscribe to the two-day plan.

Got on the kick because that's how I used to evaluate new wines that i was thinking about bringing into my retail shop. If it didn't hold up at least two days after opening, i didn't want to sell it, especially since most wine is released a lot sooner than it should be released.

It's possible that the chlorine-like aroma could be reduced sulfur compounds (which you might associate with the pool), which could vary by bottle (O2 pickup from closure/bottling) and/or environment (aeration to blow off H2S). That's just a guess, though. I haven't seen "chlorine" as a descriptor often, but I did get a whiff of swimming pool when I tasted the Ch.Frank Blanc de Noirs.

Also, I have the same problem with my girlfriend, 6-8 one-third-full bottles just sitting around on the counter (including the blackcurrant juice that i'm fermenting...). It is a source of tension, to be sure.

Hmm, dissertations likely require more than one run-on sentence i think but i guess i'm not the expert on helping with dissertations this is a good way to get attention.

Too funny!


Dissertation's post is exactly that--attention spamming. My blog gets them, and I've seen them all over many other blogs. It's the same pattern: a general statement about how great it is that the blog passes along important information "nice job," and then a signature leading others to a url.

Because of it, I started screening blog comments and zapping the spam.

Worse, are the scrapers who take a complete blog entry through the feed, post it on their blog, and hope for Google Ad clicks before they are found out and have to remove the post.

You know what's even worse than comment spammers...you guys for giving him/her/it attention!

I'll never moderate comments (it can slow discussions and isn't as transparent as I think blogs should be) but I WILL be deleting this comment momentarily :)

Free SO2 aromas are the most likely culprit in my opinion.

Some people are much more sensitive to potassium meta bi-sulfite than others. Since this was probably a recent bottling, they would have just added SO2, and it would be most evident in the first few months. The fact that it blew off within a few days supports the theory.

I am looking forward to the post about releasing wines before they are showing their real potential, I see it everyday up here.

Very nice post!!

Thanks, helpful source.

Interesting book, I should recommend it to my dear friends.

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