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April 14, 2009


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Interesting review. Considering how expensive new oak is, here's an honest question: Which wineries are bludgeoning Cab Franc with new oak? I certainly haven't had every Finger Lakes Cab Franc, but I've had quite a bit, and I don't see much new oak influence -- possibly because many wineries can't afford to load up with new oak every year. Are there specific examples you've come across?

The bludgeoning doesn't happen so much up in your neck of the woods, though I remember a Hunt Country franc that I had once being pretty well oaked.

I was speaking more about some of the Long Island versions. It's much more common down here. Sometimes it's successful, sometimes it comes across like cabernet sauvignon-light. More vanilla/smoke and the fruit is pushed back some.

The T23 is a brilliant wine - yeah to less new oak! In fact, use less new oak but better oak. The cabernet based wines can handle a bit of oak, but some producers in the FL go totally overboard with the wood when it comes to chardonnay.

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