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April 09, 2009


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Fascinating interview with Thomas Laszlo! Everyone should read it. It happens that I agree with everything he says.

Looking forward to the famous "LENNDEVOURS bump"!


Thanks for mentioning our event and I look forward to seeing you at the Hudson Valley Wine Competition. I only have one entry. Our "Stone Fence" Hard Cider. Several years ago we won a gold medal with it and I was told by one of the judges that they wanted to give it the best of show. But some of the judges refused "Because it's not a wine."

Here we are in the heart of Apple country, the Hudson Valley. Where we make Cider from fresh Apples. Not that concentrate witches brew they try to pass off as cider in the supermarket. But yet Cider gets step-child status.

The 2007 vintage was a good year for Cider so I thought I'd take another run at it!

Best regards,

Jonathan Hull

PS:Thanks for your continuing coverage of New York wines!!

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