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September 29, 2009


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Rkatsiteli is not only unique, but delicious!

Rkatsiteli may be unique here, but it may surprise many to know that it is one of the most widely planted white grapes in the world. There's more than 600,000 acres of it in eastern Europe and Russia, and its quite popular in China.

When I say unique, I mean to the U.S.

I've heard of at least one other winery growing/making it...somewhere in Virginia.

Have you had Dr. Frank's Rkat, Jim?

Yes, but many moons ago. It's a fun wine, but really it's more on the neutral side, like Chenin or Folle Blanche or Colombard. I always thought it was a volume grape for distilling, but maybe I'm wrong about that. Good acidity from Dr. Frank I remember.

The Virginia winery producing a Rkatsiteli is Horton Vineyards

McGregor's on Keuka uses Rkatsitelli in a blend with Sereksiya. It tends to have much more citrus flavor than the pure Rkatsitelli from Dr. Frank's.

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