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January 26, 2010


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There are a few of us from New York who now live in Virginia and actively promote (among our friends) both state’s wines. My friends have long known if they invite me to dinner they’ll get either a bottle of Virginia or New York wine. I rarely stray from those two regions for my wine purchasing.

Kluge is my favorite winery in Virginia (followed closely by Pearmund, Veritas, Delfosse, Marterella – ok I have a hard time choosing). Glad to see the Simply Red on here – I just picked up a new bottle myself (along with a bottle of their New World Red) and might have to crack it open this weekend after seeing this post!

If you can get your hands on it, give Kluge’s dessert wine, Cru, a try. Cru is made from Chardonnay grapes cold settled, blended with brandy, and then aged for six weeks in Jack Daniels barrels. Need I say more? We always have a bottle chilling in the fridge, waiting for any excuse to open it.

Is Albermarle the 'major' label from Virginia? This is really the only vineyard I see hear in upstate NY with any distribution.

@ fitc_dc: definitely going to seek out the Cru from Kluge. sounds fantastic.

@steve g: not sure if Albemarle is the major label, but they produce close to 9,000 cases a year...so it gets around.

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