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March 30, 2010


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Although technically a competitor in the sense that we are both running wine clubs, I certainly appreciate that your approach is similar to ours in being focused on either smaller production or not highly distributed wineries. Just by the fact that you're shipping a Cab Franc in itself shows some amount of courage as, at least here in California, it isn't exactly a classic varietal.

I am a club member, and I must say, the club has greatly enhanced my enjoyment of NY wines. The best part is that some of the wines are of such limited production that even though I paid attention to the reviews, by the time a get to the vineyard they would be gone. I get my hands on some of these good bottles that I never would have access to.

I am now a club member at 3 or 4 vineyards across NY State, and I believe each membership stemmed from one of the NY Cork Club selections that I tried.

OK enough! I like the club. SG :)

I got a membership as a Christmas gift, and it's been fun so far. I look forward to this month's shipment.

Really glad to hear that you guys are enjoying it so much. We're looking to expand it as we get further into spring, so we should have some fun stuff coming up!

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