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April 16, 2010


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When I first heard about this, I thought it was a late April Fool's joke, it's so ludicrous.

This will be devastating to all but the largest of wineries in this country, and many retailers to boot.

I understand why more industry folks won't go on record here, but I'd like to hear from more of them, even if they comment anonymously.

What can be done about this? Just how large an impact would this have on their businesses?

To me, this is the exact opposite of the direction we should be going with regard to direct shipping. Horrible news.

Great post Evan, as always. I saw Tom Wark's first and submitted it to Digg. Doubt it'll make front page - but it's something that will impact every wine lover in the US. Hopefully, a call to action and a rise in awareness will stop this bill.

The post on digg:
All your booze are belong to us: http://digg.com/d31OnBe?t


Very depressing. Looks like us wine lovers may have to start our own wine swapping network. Is anyone aware of any state and/or federal laws regarding consumer-to-consumer shipping?

I have a real problem figuring out why a Democratic Congress would push for this, other than a money motive? The only answer I can see is money from taxes,and campaign money from the huge wholesalers that want to control the distribution system.

Luckily, it started making it into the news today. At 3AM this morning, the News & Record in Greensboro posted a piece on it, and they let me get a word in edgewise:


Now the Wall Street Journal bloggers are taking notice, which means it's only a matter of time before the mainstream news outlets get involved. We're doing the right things to take the drivers seat in rhetoric, as the reps seem to be passively "co-sponsoring" this abomination.

If I can get mention in a news story on it, there are hundreds of wine writers such as you guys who have significantly more weight behind your words. We need to seek out those who will listen before the lobbyists do!

@Daryl G,

Most states have much stronger laws against consumer to consumer shipping. I can't even think of any off the top of my head that allow it.

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