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May 28, 2010


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Great grape. Will be interesting to see how this LI version evolves over time. Asimov did a good review of Carmenere in the NYT back in Oct. 07. My personal favorite is the MontGras - very affordibly priced, and generally available through local distributors. Of course, Montes' Purple Angel has received a lot of attention, but is pricey.

Carmenere has one the highest levels of MPs of any grape, even in Chile. You might say that bell pepper is part of the varietal character.


Bob: Thanks for the comment...glad to know that you're still reading.

Tom: I had a feeling I'd hear from you on this. I guess we can assume there was some serious leaf-pulling here to help get rid of those MPs. I'm not saying that there wasn't ANY green here, but it was of the green peppercorn and herb variety rather than bell pepper or even jalapeno.

Greenness was once considered part of the varietal character of Merlot as well. How else would acres of Carmenere in Chile be confused for Merlot until 1993?

It's cool to see producers making an effort to make something unique like that. Thanks for reviewing the wine!

yes the 3-alquil-2-metoxipirazinas (MPs)is a tipical caracter of Carmenere, but many wineries in Chile, Working with presision viticulture in
some terroirs and winemaking technology may decrease appropriate enough flavorings MPs..

Great wine indeed!


Lenn: Thanks for the review in NYCR and I'd like to announce to your readers that the ODV Carmenere has just won gold in the 2010 Taster's Guild International Wine Competition. Retail Price: $24

Nice to see Carmenere gaining wider cultivation!

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