Jan Palaggi of Palaia Vineyards in the Hudson Valley sent us a harvest update earlier this week:
"We picked out Traminette on October 2. It was fantastic this year with 23 brix, PH 3.57 and TA 7.7
The grapes were beautiful -- especially in the block where we pulled leaves before we netted them which allowed air in as well as sunshine. The brix were higher in this block as well which means we will be doing this to all the vines next season.
What a great year we’ve had in the vineyard with plenty of sunshine and low humidity. We harvested 3681 lbs of Traminette which was not bad at all. The flavor of the juice is the really vital part of the year though, and this year it is just amazing…truly a banner year.
This weekend we are harvesting our Lemberger as well as the Cabernet Franc grapes. Time to get everything off and buttoned up for the year. They are ready, and so am I."
I bought Benmarl 2008 Traminette at the New Amsterdam Market today. I did not know very much about that varietal, but I tasted it and enjoyed it. I think it is a little like gewurztraminer. Is this a new varietal?
Posted by: Susan B. | October 17, 2010 at 06:35 PM
Traminette is actually a cross of hybrid Joannes Seyve 23.416 and gewürztraminer! So you hit that on the head.
It's not new though...I think the cross was done in the 1960s.
Posted by: Lenn Thompson | October 18, 2010 at 08:44 AM
Thanks for the info! I asked them at Benmar about the baco noir and they said they were still bottling it. I look forward to trying that.
Posted by: Susan B. | October 19, 2010 at 07:32 AM