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November 05, 2010


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Over the years I have had a number of conversations and conducted interviews with Richard Figiel. I can say without hesitation that he is a joy to know and to converse with--his is a measured personality that is tempered by circumstance.

He is among the most dedicated "natural" wine producers that I have ever met, with views and methods that are not ideology-driven, rather they are experimental and experiential. He recognizes both the value and the limitations of organic/biodynamic growing.

With all that, Richard is a deep thinker with a marvelous sense of the absurd.

Thomas:  I concur.  It was a real pleasure to talk to him for the two hours or so I spent there.

I had no idea Irish Spring soap was organic...who knew!

Unfortunately, I still feel like the most satisfying thing we can do is get a trip planned early next month. I can go during the week no problem. The reality is that we already have a problem because that means that we'd be seeing Kerr for sure, so TPWD is screwing us either way.

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