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January 12, 2011


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How unfortunate for the wine to have been burdened with wood. Is the winemaker from California or Australia? Any notes on the source of the wood?

Hey Lenn,

Hope things are going well and that you're ready for another couple of Steeler playoff games. Interesting take on the wine, at the early $20's price point a nice, drinkable Cab Franc would have been nice. Say what you will about California wine, but too much oak is way to easy to create when you don't have ripe enough fruit.

A: Is it true that Don got into some trouble at work last week?
B: Yes, he did. He was reproached for not turning in his sales reports, but his secretary went to bat for him.
A: What was she able to do?
B: She helped him out a great deal by admitting that she had misplaced the reports that he gave her to be typed.
A: So, it was her fault, not his.
B: Right.

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