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March 02, 2011


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Congratulations Robin!! Great to see more young, passionate and female winemakers on the NOFO!!!

Oh and Happy Birthday a few days late!

Well said, Anthony. The next generation of Long Island winemakers is certainly on the rise.

Congrats, Robin!

Lenn, thank you for the post and, a big thank you to all of you boys for the congratulatory comments!

Congrats Robin!

Maybe now there will be a second Riesling offering ;)

Funny you should say so...stay tuned this spring!

What the Undertaker wants, the Undertaker gets.

I wouldn't say he is getting what he wants but, there will be a second Riesling.


Eagerly anticipating spring :)

I do have to state that my title is not 'head' winemaker. It is just winemaker.

hi robin'
Just catching up on emils congrats! See you this spring wer can't wait to get out there!
susie Jeff andPatrick

"I don't feel like there was ever a time when I did not know what was going on with the wines from Martha Clara Vineyards," she said.

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