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March 05, 2011


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I love the concept of the whole place and often stop on my way out to business trips to Rochester. I know also that they have told me that their inventory is not at full capacity because they are moving things around.

But I find they really need to have a much better representation of the entire NY wine scene in their store. They are so heavy on the Finger Lakes and light on the Hudson Valley and Long Island. For me, an upstate NY resident, this is the one place that I can go and get a trunk full of my NY State favs all in one shot, but I found that the store has been frustratingly limited in their reach outside of the finger lakes.

Steve - I understand your concern, and I'm not a spokesman or apologist for NYWCC. I can say that their mission must be a difficult one to carry out, because they have to offer all wineries a chance in the spotlight, and they're based in the Finger Lakes, so they have more access to Finger Lakes wines. But perhaps someone from NYWCC can address your comment.

I've heard similar complaints (both from within the industry and outside it) but I have yet to visit myself, so I can't share any first-hand thoughts.

But, it makes sense that there are more Finger Lakes wines in some ways -- there are more Finger Lakes wineries than any other region, so if the idea is to keep the wineries-per-placement ratio fair, there should be more Finger Lakes than Long Island/Hudson Valley/Niagara.

Don't get me wrong. I have actually suggested to more than a few Hudson Valley and Long Island winemakers that they are crazy not to ship a case or two up there. They all say should be I have yet to see follow through.

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