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May 24, 2011


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Thank you for the enlightening coverage of this event


Very nice article. Thanks.

Silt not sexy? But it feels so soft and smooth when you rub it between your fingers. Go on, try it. Put a silty soil sample in the palm of your hand and spit on it. Then rub it into a paste. Wow! It feels really good. A lot better than sand. Clay? It can be kind of sticky.

Growing our grapes on a Bridgehampton silt loam is really sexy to us. The vine roots love penetrating the silt loam soil down into the clay layer just above that sand and gravel subsoil. The undulating terrain is quite sensual, especially the sloping mounds.

I just can't get enough silt.

Great job on the summary.


For my money there's nothing sexier than a handful of sandstone on a mountainside vineyard in Stellenbosch, or the knowledge that there's limestone under my feet while I'm picking grapes on the Niagara Escarpment. Just goes to show that your experience with a certain soil and what kind of wine it gives you is what makes it sexy (much like with people--put a bottle of Casanova di Neri in the hands of an otherwise unprepossessing guy and set him loose among my wine geek girlfriends for proof).

I prefer spending my time in a committed relationship with an elegant Haven Loam. She's relatively young, deep and a nice mix of all three soil types. A real beauty...

Thanks for the comments and kind words.

If silt in your vineyard is sexy it's because you Long Islanders make it SEXY! :)

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