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June 27, 2011


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Nice! Really like the idea of the premium level would love to see more of that in the future. Can't wait to get mine.

Hmm...if you ARE going to do more "horizontals" (can't call it a vertical) like this there are all sorts of FLX rieslings that come to mind. You might start with the Lamoreaux Landing ones you highlighted several months back, or Red Newt's Sawmill Creek and Davis single-vineyard bottlings. The possibilities are endless.

Michael and Paul: You're right -- endless possibilities. Let me know what you guys think of the wines when you get them and drink them.

We've got some more fun stuff on the way!

I finally signed up for your wine club and I am excited to start out with these two! Especially the west vineyard which is in my neck of the woods.

Robin, thanks for joining! That's pretty cool of you.

I hope you enjoy the wines -- and if not, I'm sure you'll let me know!

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