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August 16, 2011


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It's on sale in my area for as little as $10 a bottle...a ridiculous value for a solid NY pinot noir.

$15 retail. At my neighborhood wine shop, it's $11, and if I go just a couple miles down the road, it's $8.50. Yes, friends. You read that right.

I know I've commented in the past that I am not a fan of New York pinot noirs in general, HOWEVER, this is one that I buy and drink on a fairly regular basis.

Definitely a great value! Also I love the fact that the ABV is quite reasonable at 13%, versus the 14+% that you often see in California Pinot Noir.

Would have any information about Brotherhood Winery,
pertaining to (founder) Jean Jacques selling of his first wines probably Scarementals. Can you give me a date of his first sales if that is on record.
Can you give me a source if this information is not available to you.
I appreciate it very much.
Thank you
Paul Spague

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