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August 16, 2011


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Is that a screwcap I see?

Indeed it is, Evan. All of their whites are bottled under screwcaps.

Haven't had the wine yet but there is a bottle waiting for me in the tasting room (or there was, they may need to sell it now!). Hoping to pick it up this week to taste.

thank you for post

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Where can you find the results?

Congrats to Juan and Robin for bringing it home to Long Island!!!

Congrats to Juan and Robin, Long Island Riesling!

I drank their gewurtztraminer recently (I think it was an '07 or '08, I can't be certain), and it was quite lovely. Congrats to a great vineyard!

And as for Lamoreaux Landing, well, is anyone surprised? :)

Is there anywhere in the Finger Lakes we will be able to purchase the Martha Clara Riesling? Perhaps at the Wine and Culinary Center in Canandaigua?

Hey ya'll we are all very proud back here on the Farm, but this is a truly special win knowing all of the great wines produced here in New York. This wine will be available at the Culinary Center in Canandaigua late next week. Arrangements are now being made to ship the wine early next week. It is also available here at the vineyard. Cheers.

Riesling made on Long Island from Finger Lakes grapes?!?!?! Let's celebrate this Thruway wine!

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